
Alternet: Pot May Be Instrumental in Combatting Cancer, MS and Other Diseases But the Gov’t Refuses to Fund the Necessary Research

Article by Paul Armentano, the deputy director of National NORML over at Alternet http://www.alternet.org/drugs/149878/pot_may_be_instrumental_in_combatting_cancer,_ms_and_other_diseases_but_the_gov%27t_refuses_to_fund_the_necessary_research/ February 10, 2011 | It was nearly two years ago when the Obama White House issued

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Texas NORML Press Release on Activist Training

FOR RELEASE: Immediate Media Contact: Josh Schimberg DATE: January 5th, 2011 Phone: 512-585-3846 Austin, TX: The Texas chapter of N.O.R.M.L., the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, asks

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Membership Drive!

HIGH, Everyone! During this month and the next, Texas NORML is going to be having a membership drive to bolster our ranks for this upcoming legislative session. First of all,

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