
HJR 108 – Texas NORML’s Testimony

Madame Chair and members of the committee, my name is Jax Finkel and I am testifying on behalf of Texas NORML, for the HJR 108. Thank you for your time

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We Delivered Your Signatures to the Lt Gov!

Last week, a spokesperson for Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick told the Texas Tribune that he is “strongly opposed to weakening any laws against marijuana [and] remains wary of the various

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Recap: Texas Senior Lobby Day

On Monday, Texas Seniors joined us at the Texas State Capitol to share their stories and information about medical marijuana with their legislators. They asked their legislators to coauthor legislation

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Breaking: HB 63 Passes Committee!

​Rep. Joe Moody’s bill to reduce penalties for low-level marijuana possession has passed out of the Criminal Jurisprudence Committee with a bipartisan vote of 5-2! If HB 63 passes the

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Breaking: Hemp Declassified In Texas!

The Texas Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has authored an amendment to the Texas schedule of controlled substances that removes hemp from the list. It is an extremely important step

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