
November Events and Dates of Importance

Here is a current list of important events and dates for you to add to your calendar. General Election Day: Tuesday, November 3rd In Texas, citizen-initiated ballot propositions are not

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Veterans Day Community Conversation (11/11/20)

Wednesday, November 11th, 2020 at Noon CT Texas NORML and Texas Veterans for Medical Marijuana host a virtual Veterans Day Community Conversation on Wednesday, November 11th 2020 at Noon CT.

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NORML’s Annual Conference (10/22&23/20)

NORML is pleased to announce that our annual conference will be presented in digital format on October 22 & 23 from 12-5PM EDT. This event is an annual tradition that

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October Membership Drive

Every October, Texas NORML hosts a member’s only mixer to celebrate our members and drive membership. This year’s pandemic restrictions have us re-imagining what our membership drive can look like.

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Record Number of POM Arrests in 2018

Our review of the Department of Public Safety (DPS) numbers show that a record high number of arrests in 2018, with 96,130 people being arrested for possession of marijuana (POM).

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November Monthly Meeting (11/4/20)

Wednesday, November 4th, 2020 at 8pm Join us for our informal monthly meeting taking place the FIRST Wednesday of EVERY month, at 8 pm. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we are

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50th Anniversary Commemorative Shirt!

This year commemorates the 50th Anniversary of the founding of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. Over the decades, we have seen public policy change from a

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Register to Vote for the General Election!

The General Election will be on November 3rd. To participate, you must be registered to vote by October 5th. Confirm your voter registration here. Our Texas Marijuana Policy Primary Election Voter Guide is being prepared for release! The

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Video: September Meeting

For September, we talked about knowing your rights when you engage with law enforcement, the new Texas Patient Study on Medical Cannabis and getting registered to vote in time for

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Marijuana Policy Resources for Candidates in Your Area

Texas NORML and Texans for Responsible Marijuana Policy hosted a Candidate Briefing. We cover: Cannabis 101 Hemp Federal Policy Medical Cannabis Decriminalization Retail Market Common Objections View Quick Links Document

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