
Video: Legislative Briefing

The Texas 87th Legislature kicks off in January. Bills are already being filed and the legislature will be addressing a budgetary shortfall, sunset, redistricting and more.  Join Texans for Responsible

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87th Legislature: Testimony Submission

Texans cannot collect signatures to place an issue on the ballot for a vote to change state law. Additionally, Texas requires all drug laws be enforced and changed at the

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December Events

​Here is a current list of important events and dates for you to add to your calendar.​ Wednesday, December 2nd at 8pm CT​ December Monthly Meeting:​ Join Texas NORML for our informal

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Texas Marijuana Policy Conference Call (12.12.20)

The Texas 87th Legislature kicks off in January. Bills are already being filed and the legislature will be addressing a budgetary shortfall, sunset, redistricting and more. Join Texans for Responsible

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#GivingTuesday is a global giving movement that has been built by individuals, families, organizations, businesses and communities in countries around the world. Millions of people have come together to support

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Texas Marijuana Policy Conference

​Texans for Responsible Marijuana Policy hosts the third annual Texas Marijuana Policy Conference​! Hemp has been legalized at the state and federal levels, but Texas still denies patient access to medical cannabis

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87th Texas Legislature

The 87th Texas Legislature will convene on January 12, but lawmakers have already begun pre-filing bills relating to cannabis! Follow this page to track the progress of cannabis legislation and

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December Monthly Meeting

Wednesday, December 2nd at 8pm CT Join us for our informal monthly meeting taking place the FIRST Wednesday of EVERY month, at 8 pm. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we are

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Video: November Monthly Meeting

We recap important local and national election results. Our Legal Counsel, Jamie Spencer, hosts a conversation about knowing our rights with Worth Carroll and Kristen Etter with Q&A. National News:

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