The Texas Legislature convenes every 2 years and opening day for the 87th Legislature is this month. Texas NORML is offering this limited edition 87th Texas Legislature long sleeved tee for the month of January!

Please note that since this is a limited edition item, you can pre-order yours until 1/31/21. We will then order the shirts. Once we have them, we will mail your shirt out to you! We expect that to be around 2/14/21.
How can you prepare for the upcoming session?
- Now is an ideal time to take action to ensure that your representative and senator know about your support for reform! Click to take action: Medical Cannabis | Penalty Reduction | Legalization
- Submit your testimony to be included in hearing binders.
January Events:
- January Texas NORML Meeting on Wednesday, January 6th at 8pm
- Texas Marijuana Policy Legislative Workshop on Tuesday, January 12th, 2021 at 7pm
- Texas Medical Cannabis Symposium — A CME and Policy Day on January 9th, 2021 at 9:30am
- Racial Disparity and Social Justice in Texas Seminar on Monday, January 18th, 2021 at 10am