Medical cannabis bill scheduled for a hearing — how can you help?
Tuesday, May 2nd: Health Committee to Consider HB 2107
House Bill 2107, authored with bipartisan support by Rep. Eddie Lucio, III (D), Rep. Jason Isaac (R), Rep. Jame White (R) and Rep. Ron Simmons (R) would make the Compassionate Use Program more inclusive for patients with debilitating medical conditions. Seriously ill Texans deserve safe and legal access to medical cannabis if their doctors think they could benefit. The bill will be considered by the Health Committee on Tuesday, May 2nd.
Call to Action!
1) Contact your legislators in support of HB 2107!
2) To show your support for the bill, come to the Texas State Capitol and sign up in support of HB 2107. You can register your support starting at 8 a.m. and until the conclusion our hearing. (Instructions and a video demo.) We have reserved room E1.018 from 8-11am for you to join us at. Room numbers after that time TBA.
3) Provide the committee a testimonial if you have personal or professional experience. Testimony can be provided several ways: written and submitted via committee binder (email your one page testimony attached as a PDF to by Saturday, April 29th at midnight – only one page PDFs received by the deadline will be printed and included in the binder), written/printed (12 copies) and submitted in person on the day of the hearing, or verbally to the committee (2 minutes). If you email to the clerk, please make sure that your testimony is attached to your email so they can easily print your testimony for distribution.
When visiting the Capitol, please always dress professionally.
We will have a large volume of witnesses along with long agendas before the House Floor and Health Committee, so unless you have a qualifying condition or are a medical professional, it is best to simply register your support. If you plan to stay and testify in person, please let us know ( so we can coordinate testimony, and please bring 12 copies of your printed testimony to submit to the committee clerk.
Unable to travel to Austin? You can still help! Contact your legislators in support of sensible marijuana policy. Also, follow this Facebook event for live updates and a link to the live stream.
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