Candidate Forum
February Open Monthly Meeting
2/3/16 @ 8pm
Flamingo Cantina on 515 E 6th St., Austin, TX 78707
As many of you know, Rep Elliot Naishtat (Dist 49) has been pushing for law reform on behalf of patients in Texas. He will not be seeking re-election. There are seven Democratic Primary Candidates and no Republican Primary Candidates for this House District.
Since you live in District 49, we wanted to make sure to invite you to our Candidate Forum. We have invited the candidates running in Texas House District 49 to attend our meeting to educate attendees on their stance on cannabis law reform. We have confirmed attendance with:

Texas NORML and Texans for Responsible Marijuana Policy want to send a message to State Lawmakers and the Governor that it’s time for a better option, and you can help. On Veteran’s Day, November 11th, 2015, we launched #OperationTrapped, a one-year project to collect a single used prescription bottle from every state veteran who wants a safer alternative. You can find the details and instructions HERE and you can follow the event page for updates. If you are a Texas Veteran, you may also sign a letter the the Governor HERE. We will be collecting signatures and bottles at the February meeting.
Thank you for supporting cannabis law reform in Texas.