
November Monthly Meeting (11/4/20)

Wednesday, November 4th, 2020 at 8pm Join us for our informal monthly meeting taking place the FIRST Wednesday of EVERY month, at 8 pm. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we are

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Texas Veteran Cannabis Conference (10/17/20)

Join Informed Texas and Texas Veterans for Medical Marijuana for this online conference on Saturday, October 17th, 2020 about cannabis! They will be joined by Texas Agriculture Commissioner Miller, Jordan Tishler, MD, Bryon Adinoff, MD, Wendy Askew,

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7th Annual Puff ‘n Putt: Veteran Benefit

Saturday, March 27th, 2021 Willie Nelson’s Golf Course – 807 Paisley Dr, Spicewood, Texas 78669 #PuffnPutt2020 Texas NORML is proud to announce the 7th Annual Puff ‘n Putt Veteran Benefit

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Veterans Day Weekend Events

Join us over Veterans Day weekend to honor our military veterans! Texas Veterans for Medical Marijuana will be marching in the New Braunfels Veterans Day Parade on Saturday, November 9th

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Spooky Sativa Soiree – Tickets Available!

Texas NORML is proud to announce our Spooky Sativa Soiree! This is a exclusive event will be held on Saturday, October 26th, 2019 from 7-11pm at a private south Austin

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Texas: Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events​ August Monthly Meeting This month’s topic will be Cannabis: Veterans and Science. Our MC will be board member, Anita Sommers (Veteran and Microbiologist). Our guest speakers will be Robert

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DAY 5: Cannabis Conversations

Welcome to Day 5 of your 5-day Activist Challenge! You’ve done a lot this week! On Monday, you were a frustrated supporter of the cannabis cause. Maybe you felt disconnected

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Texas Marijuana Policy Conference

Historic progress was made during this year’s legislative session. Our state legalized hemp production and expanded access to the Compassionate Use Program, creating tremendous opportunity for both consumers and entrepreneurs.

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