Here is a current list of important events and dates for you to add to your calendar.
Wednesday, December 2nd at 8pm CT
December Monthly Meeting: Join Texas NORML for our informal monthly meeting taking place the FIRST Wednesday of EVERY month, at 8 pm. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we are hosting these meetings virtually. You can view on Facebook Live or join the webinar. We will also post the recording to Youtube after the event. Agenda will cover a recap of prefilled bills, review of current Texas arrest data, Operation Trapped and Veteran Actions. Details here.
Thursday, December 10th at Noon CT
Cannabis and Sexual Health: Join Informed Texas for this educational seminar on Cannabis and Sexual Health. Cannabis consumers often find that cannabis has a distinctly positive effect on their sexual health and experiences. Our Medical Director, Wendy Askew, MD, and guests will discuss cannabis’ role as an aphrodisiac, a vasodilator, a disinhibitor, an analgesic and more. After the presentations, there will be a panel discussion with opportunities for Q&A. After the tutorial airs on 12/10/20 at noon, it will be available for on-demand replay so that you can watch at your leisure. Details here.
Saturday, December 12th at Noon CT
Texas Marijuana Policy Conference Call: The Texas 87th Legislature kicks off in January. Bills are already being filed and the legislature will be addressing a budgetary shortfall, sunset, redistricting and more. Join Texans for Responsible Marijuana Policy and Texas NORML for a statewide conference call to discuss how we will highlight this important policy in a time when our actions are limited to virtually advocacy, a recap of the bills that have been filed, our chances of reform this year, and what you can do to help pass meaningful legislation. Register for this event!
Please choose Texas NORML and legalization while you are shopping this holiday season. Learn how to become a member of our organization. Make a donation towards our important work during the 2021 Legislative Session.