John VL

2015 Legislative Session Bills Filed

2015 Legislative Session Bills Filed We have reached the filing deadline! No more bills can be filed in the Texas Legislature for the 2015 Legislative Session. Texas NORML has compiled

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CBD Only Versus Whole Plant Legislation

by Vincent Lopez Director of Patient Outreach for Texas NORML, Founder of Patient Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics, Founder of the Austin 420 With the emergence of the CBD-focused House Bill

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PTSD and Medical Marijuana Seminar Video

Please join us on Feb 7, Sat, at the Killeen Civic & Conference Center, 3601 South W S Young Drive, Killeen, Texas, for a seminar on PTSD and medical marijuana.

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January 2015 Open Meeting Video

Did you miss the January Open Monthly Meeting? Never fear! You can watch it here. You can participate in our Open Monthly Meetings on the first Wednesday of every month

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Texas NORML 2014 Recap

End of Year Summary – 2014 In 2014, we held our regular Open Monthly Meetings (you can view the recordings of these meetings here), featured monthly Traveling Strategy Meetings to

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Activist Training Day Resources

Texas NORML’s 7th Annual Activist Training Day was an amazing event! Our first ever training at the Capitol Building!!! We were educated by many distinguished speakers on the following subjects~

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